
Location: Vigadó Gallery - Exhibition hall on the 5th Floor


Showcase of Székely National Museum’s fine arts collection

Located outside the Hungarian borders, Székely National Museum is the most significant public collection of Hungarian art. The unique exhibition on show in Pesti Vigadó this summer is of cultural historical importance. No exhibition of a similar scale has been organised in the Hungarian capital since the Treaty of Trianon was signed following World War I. The aim of the exhibition is to provide the Hungarian audience with a brief overview of those cultural values and artefacts that have been preserved outside the Hungarian borders and boast of European significance.

The exhibition features artists who are still quite well-known in Hungary, including for example Jenő Gyárfás, Sándor Ziffer, János Mattis-Teutsch and Jenő Szervátiusz. On the other hand, the exhibition also showcases works by artists, including Imre Baász, Sándor Plugor, Péter Jecza and Jenő Korondi, who – as a result of the great historical calamities shaking Greater Hungary at the beginning of the 20th century – are lesser-known or are completely unknown to those living in Hungary. In addition, the exhibited works intend to portray the progressive message communicated by the collection: artworks on show here comprise paintings produced by multiethnic Transylvanian artists including, among others, Transylvanian Saxons and Romanians.


Hungarian Academy of Arts

Székely National Museum
