
Location: Ceremonial Hall

Concert by Competition Winning Young Talents

Zuglo Philharmonics Budapest

This concert features Zuglo Philharmonics Budapest, whose maintainer is Filharmónia Hungary Nonprofit Ltd. With 70 years of professional history, the Philharmonics was founded by József Záborszky. Later his son Kálmán Záborszky took over as the orchestra’s art director. In recognition of their professional work in the field of music and youth education, Zuglo Philharmonics Budapest was awarded Hungarian Heritage Award in 2000, and between 2011 and 2017 the Philharmonics successively won the title National Youth Orchestra each year.

Performers include:

Sofia RODRIGUEZ - harp


Vendel DÓCZI – violoncello

Illés SÜTŐ – violoncello

Máté GŰTH - piano

Szellő SZÖLLŐSY - bassoon

Marcell EREDICS - bugle

Zuglo Philharmonics Budapest

Conductor: Marcell DÉNES-WOROWSKI 

Presenter: Apollónia SZOLNOKI 

You can register for the event via this link!


Organiser and further information: Hungarian Academy of Arts’ Section of Music
