Concert 2024.10.01. 19:30
Contemporary Chamber Music Concert

Ticket prices

Free, but you must register online

Event on World Music Day

Once, Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn were ‘contemporary composers’. Do you know today’s contemporary composers? Every year, contemporary music evenings provide opportunities for composers to showcase their compositions, and these events also offer challenges to performers. And we can only hope that the audience, having listened to the concert, will agree that contemporary music is not something to disdain. Listen to this concert and discover the world of contemporary music for yourself.


1. Endre OLSVAY: Trio Energico                                                                   

2. Attila REMÉNYI: Circle Game for Saxophone

3. László DUBROVAY: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1 for Clarinet and Piano              


4. Lajos HUSZÁR: Sanctus for Piano

5. Péter TÓTH: Post Scriptum 

6. Péter NÓGRÁDI: Summer Dawn for Flute and Piano                                 

7. Zoltán KOVÁCS: Quintet for Cor Anglais and Strings


Compère: Anita Beslin

Performed by:

TRIO ENEREGICO: Csenge ILOSGAI - violin, Eszter MÁDY-SZABÓ - violoncello, Monika Ruth VIDA - piano

Katalin SZABÓ RAJCZI - saxophone;

Ali LUGOSI - clarinet

Elemér BALÁZS - piano;

István BENEDEKFI - piano;

Nóra BARÁTH - cor anglais;

Ágnes SOLTÉSZ - violin;

Anikó ECSEKI - violin;

Balázs TÓTH - viola;

Endre STANKOWSKY - cello;

Alajos H. ZOVÁTHI - double bass;

Laura VARGA - flute

György KLEBNICZKI - piano


Organiser: Hungarian Academy of Arts’ Section of Music


You can register here!

Event location

Ceremonial Hall The stunningly beautiful Ceremonial Hall situated on Pesti Vigadó’s second floor is an excellent venue for concerts, cultural events, conferences, standing and seated receptions, gala dinners and other similar events. Read more about this location