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Programme Closing Exhibition by the winners of the Hungarian Academy of Arts’ Arts Scholarship Programme 2020-2023
“Essentia Artis” is the title of the programme closing exhibition and event series by the 2023 graduate winners of the Hungarian Academy of Arts’ Art Scholarship Programme. The exhibition and event series are staged in Pesti Vigadó. In the 6th floor Exhibition Hall, a showcasing by fine artists, industrial artists, designers, photographers, folk artists and architects will be on display for two months from 2nd March to 7th May 2024. On the three thematic days (23rd, 24th and 27th March 2024) organised in the scope of the event series, over 50 artists from the world of the theatre, film, literature, music, art theory and folk art will contribute to the programmes through dozens of free events, thereby offering an exceptional artistic experience for persons of all ages. In the scope of the scholarship programme launched in 2018, each year the Hungarian Academy of Arts offers a hundred artists and art theorists below the age of 50 monthly scholarships for a period of three years so that they can realise the artistic and art theoretical objectives defined in their applications. The event series “Essentia Artis” is the closing event of this three-year period, and functions as a kind of Gesamtkunstwerk festival.
For further information, please visit: Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology
Featured image: Áron Majoros: The Vested, 2020 (excerpt)