Dress design by Imola Farkas
The artwork of the month of March is a costume design that is part of the Schrammel Illusions & Carnival exhibition. The exhibition features works by contemporary costume designers and textile artists alongside the work of Imre Schrammel, with Imola Farkas' colourful dress being one of the highlights.
In a carriage full of colourful dresses, headdresses, textiles reaching to the ground and rising to the sky, evoking the carnival atmosphere, there is a marionette dressed up by Imola Farkas. Rabbits, hearts, eyes, mushrooms, different variations of these, which come together as a symbolic system on the work of art to represent the world of children, strange abstractions of reality.
Graphic, sophisticated patterns, a formal system of contemporary design and fashion design, and the simultaneity of colours and materials lead the unsuspecting visitor like a white rabbit into that certain wonderland. The other works in this diverse and multi-creative exhibition also allow us, the viewers, to play.